Introduction to Algorithms

Welcome to this comprehensive guide to CLRS or Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and last but not least Clifford Stein. Let us begin.

Hey there, I’m psymbio and I’m taking you through the CLRS completely. Still a work in progress but at least I’ve started.

So what’s new about this guide compared to other solutions? Well, number one is, I don’t sound like a robot with all the answers memorized. What I write in these solutions is a guide of how I think about the problem and then how I approach it. And at times the solutions are wrong, so then I have to try to fix them as well. I do look at the other solutions after writing them on my own and yeah compare where I went wrong or what ideas those solutions offer us.

This isn’t a “here’s-the-solution, the-answer-is-27” type guide. This is more like here’s a code I wrote to get to this solution, I want you to play with it, compile it on your machine, tweak it and really just engage with the solution.

Apart from the solutions, which literally every other guide offers, I have taken notes from the book. Every subsection has a separate markdown file with notes. Sometimes my mind meanders while I write them so I give you little tricks I use, videos you can refer to, or even guys I find cute in certain videos. So all in all, it’s a very humane guide.

Now sometimes code becomes really hard to assimilate in my mind, so I try to break down everything from the book to make it more understandable. And hopefully, this can sort of completely replace the book, if I make enough notes.

I guess that’s all for now, see you in chapter 1.

Next up: Chapter 1: The Role of Algorithms in Computing

That sentence that goes before giving my email to strangers: